The JUICE series is a list of projects I work on, each one in chronological order and followed by the suffix of a NUMBER.

This is ground zero of every single project I have done, am working on, and plan to work on. Also works as a Blog of sorts, and includes articles I have written for the last few years. Features updates about Help Jared Woods Meet Lily as well. Watch in horror as I kill myself on my mission to become famous.

JUICE ONE: As Seen On Facebook
This was a facebook group where individuals posted funny screenshots of things they noticed around the website. It reached 1000 members before it got shut down for invasion of privacy, RIP.

JUICE TWO: Art-Pulpitations
My number 1 baby so far. This is a website that showcases art pieces from a lot of my friends. It is constantly growing with new talent, and I have worked very hard on it, so please take a look around.

JUICE THREE: Help Jared Woods Meet Lily Allen
That's this website, if you didn't know.

Many more JUICES are in the works, so please keep an eye on these pages to keep updated on what is new and coming up.