

Jaclyn Woods

You have gate-crashed my playground
And you are twisting the swings.
Walking up the slide and
Turning me into the monkey bars.
…I struggle to keep the fun logical.
You bring spring, and I skip in the sunshine.
Tie a giant white ribbon on my yellow dress.
To match the feelings you ignite within me.
Still, I fear natural, inevitable clouds
and being called to leave the light.
You are examining me. My God, you are seeing.
You are touching me. And my goodness you are feeling.
And why does this feel so foreign?
As you teach me this new game,
I want to learn, you want to play,
I am hesitant.
But you are always hesitation.
It’s as if you don’t know the ways
In which you encourage the sensation,
Of peacefulness yet
And how anxious I feel too
But that this can’t counteract the longing
For every thing that comes
From you.