

Jaclyn Woods

You and I
and our, 'I don't need "our" or "we" nonchalance.
As if nothing happened as you call me up to ask me to move my shit out.
"So how are you?" Well how surprising we are all so brilliant.
I wouldn't tell you if I was dying.
And although I am fine without you,
Although I am happier without you,
You leave a space which takes time to suture.
I think of you sometimes and I sweep the memories out with my old brain-broom.
You are old news now I suppose.
I saw you last night, I just wanted to go. Drop it all and get out.
The memories, the expectations, the emotional investment...
exhausted me.
I tried to play nice, tried to break the ice.
Cooked you dinner, cracked some stupid joke.
I could make the time
But you couldn't make the effort.